Tuesday, April 1, 2008

For Jocelynne B

For Jocelynne B

-What was I doing 5 years ago?
Taking photos...specifically this one:

Sons of Buffalo Statue

Five things on my to-do list today ( or things I did today):
1. Order some business cards
2. Work on my web site
3. Take our dog for a walk
4. Take some street photography
5. Finish this list :)

Five snacks i love:
1. Potato chips
2. Cake
3. Chocolate chip cookies
4. Chocolate bars
5. Chocolate anything

-Five things i would do if i were a billionaire:
1. Give half of it to charity before I even touched a cent
2. Take care of the financial needs of my family
3. Invest
4. Travel
5. Buy an island in the Adriatic

-Five bad habits I have:
1. Procrastination
2. Not exercising
3. Spending too much time online
4. Not keeping in touch with old friends
5. Drinking beer every day

-Five places i have lived:
1. Niagara Falls, NY
2. Buffalo, NY
3. Cheektowaga, NY
4. Amherst, NY
5. Salt Lake City, UT

-Five jobs i've had:
1. Line cook at McDonald's
2. Bus boy at a family-owned Italian restaurant
3. Debt collector
4. Computer programmer
5. Photographer (just became self-employed!)

-Five people I don't know very well and want to know more about
(a nice way of saying TAG!):
1. SLC Mayor Ralph Becker
2. Pete Ashdown (XMission CEO)
3. Jesus' General (http://patriotboy.blogspot.com)
4. Maddox (http://maddox.xmission.com)
5. Ken Sanders (http://www.kensandersbooks.com)


JB said...

wow! i think i've learned more about people with this little quiz than any other! lol

thanks for doing that michael! and i shall look into that twitter thing, might bore everyone to death! lol i bore myself just talking about it. ;)

Mark said...

Five things on my to-do list today ( or things I did today):
1. Figure out the way COD works in Japan
2. Get my China expense report done
3. Get an order through in Devo for China Project
4. Go to bed early enough to get up and get up for Dawn Patrol tomorrow (Friday)
5. Worry about my talk at REI tonight

Five snacks i love:
1. Dark Dark Chocolate
2. Chocolate chip cookies
3. Roasted Almonds
4. Wheat Thins
5. Cliff Mojo Bars

-Five things i would do if i were a billionaire:
1. Work for the rest of my life to "give it away" without causing more harm than good
2. Take care of the financial needs of my family
3. Travel
4. Try really really hard not to be ostentatius
5. Build a very cool house on the North shore of Kauai

-Five bad habits I have:
1. Procrastination
2. Shaving (I hate doing it)
3. Spending too much time online
4. Spending too much on the computer
5. Spending too much time in the mountains (according to my wife)

-Five places i have lived:
1. Hyrum, UT
2. Taiwan
3. Provo Utah
4. Pleasant Hill, CA
5. Issaquah, QA

-Five jobs i've had:
1. Bagboy at Grocery Store
2. Taking in dirty clothes (jockstraps and wet towels) at BYU Locker Room
3. Telemarketer
4. Computer programmer
5. Program Manager

-Five people I don't know very well and want to know more about
1. Buck Forestor -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/buckforester/
2. TellyTom -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tellytom/
3. Craig Childs -> http://www.amazon.com/dp/0316608173
4. Michael Fatali -> http://www.fatali.com/
5. Mike Gauthier -> http://mountrainierclimbing.blogspot.com/

calanan said...

Thanks for posting that, Mark!