A quick triptych of our dog, Kerby, taken with the Tokina 12-24mm f/4 ultrawide zoom lens on my Nikon D700. Designed for APS-C crop-sensored cameras (like my old Nikon D50 and D200), the Tokina's image circle does not completely cover the 35mm sensor on my full-frame Nikon D700. Though severe vignetting occurs at the wide end (12mm), the image circle does widen to cover the D700's FX-sized sensor at 18mm and continues through to 24mm, meaning I can continue to enjoy this wonderful lens with my Nikon D700.
As my style has developed I've found myself less interested in the long telephoto lenses that I used when I first transitioned into digital photography, namely with the Olympus C-2100UZ (38mm-380mm f/2.8) and then the Panasonic DMC-FZ20 (36mm - 432mm f/2.8).
I'm much more interested in the resulting images that come from both engaging my subjects and including their surroundings by getting closer, even to the point of distortion.

Sheridan and Suzette of Hip and Humble, SLC, UT

Christian, Wedding at Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, SC

Buckwheat Zydeco at the Snowbird 2008 Rock & Blues Festival, SLC, UT
Plus ultrawide lenses make for easy and fun self-portraits. :)

What's your favorite lens?