Our friend Mike led us on a hike to a nearby mountain, James Peak near Alice, CO, which has now become the highest summit we've ever reached at 13,294 ft.
Round-Trip Length: 7 miles Start - End Elevation: 10,385 – 13,294’ Elevation Change: +2,969’
It was a tough hike for us, despite living at a mile high we're still not used to altitudes over 11,000' but with frequent stops we were able to slowly ascent to the summit. Once there we were rewarded with sweeping views of the Rockies and could see far east back down to the plains (though not quite as a far as Niagara Falls!) and far north into the Rocky Mountain National Park. It was a fantastic experience and we're looking forward to hiking one the of famous "14ers" (summits over 14,000) soon.